Tech Talks in 20 focuses on the hottest tech topics in customer experience right now. When we talk tech, we cover everything from supercharging the customer experience with AI, to the latest tech trends in customer service and workforce engagement management, to what’s hot with bots, and to journey analytics and experience orchestration—plus, we reveal the data behind the latest CX tech trends—all in about 20 minutes.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
S1 Ep. 7 Sharpen your skills through the Genesys Developer Center
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Contact center technology evolves rapidly, which can make it difficult to keep up. As a developer, you need to stay on top of the trends like artificial intelligence (AI) and bots. But it’s also vital to have a place to find answers to your questions about solutions you use every day.
In this episode, Jim Crespino, Senior Director of Developer Evangelism at Genesys, takes a deep dive into the Genesys Developer Center — the hub that makes developers more productive. Jim outlines all the great resources in the center, including API documentation, tutorials, blogs, a forum, the DevCast and newsletters. He’ll also talk about some of the cool development work going on with the Genesys Cloud platform — and explains how you can get involved.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
S1 Ep. 6 Exploring the four waves of AI
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Companies embarking on a digital transformation are using artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand and personalize customer interactions at scale. But AI has the potential to do so much more. In this episode, Sergio Coretti, Vice President of Business Consulting Sergio, describes the four waves of AI. He breaks down the technology into levels of capabilities, outlines which wave we're in now and explores where we’re heading. This episode will help you understand the data needed to create a solid foundation now — and explain how to build on it for the future.

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
S1 Ep. 5 AI in the real world of business
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the game for numerous industries. In the contact center, it can deliver customer-centric service at scale by better understanding people. But to truly appreciate its scope, you need to look beyond the technical capabilities.
In this episode, resident Business Consulting Director Charlie Godfrey shares real-world stories of AI successes and areas it impacts. He breaks things down into four main components: Listen, Understand, Act and Learn. After this episode, you’ll have actionable advice and resources that show you where to get started with AI.

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
S1 Ep. 4 Build better long-term relationships with outbound engagement
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
It’s vital that you proactively reach out to your customers. But they won’t be happy if you call during dinner or text someone who’d rather get an email. Engaging with customers when and how they want ultimately increases satisfaction, builds trust and fosters loyalty for your brand.
In this episode of Tech Talks in 20, outbound engagement experts Rian Logan and Chad McCormick dive into how outbound engagement powers outreach and customer experience. You’ll leave with knowledge and resources to get started now.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
S1 Ep. 3 Harnessing a new level of control with the Genesys Cloud solution
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
The cloud opens the door to immediate contact center scalability and feature velocity. Still, many companies are hesitant to move to the cloud because they don’t want to lose the visibility and control that a traditional on-premises environment offers. Now you can get the visibility you’re accustomed to with the benefits of a cloud contact center.
Learn from, Josh May, a veteran member of Genesys support, how the Genesys CloudTM platform provides resiliency, ease of support, scalability and new integration capabilities, along with the visibility and control you want. Josh will also share resources to heighten your cloud knowledge and troubleshooting skills.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
S1 Ep. 2 Trusting that WEM is a change worth making
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
See how workforce engagement management (WEM) helps you let go of your old way of doing things while over coming the common fear of letting go. Learn the WEM benefits that make it worth moving past your fears to focus on improving your team.
In this podcast, Michael Logan, Senior Strategic Sales Consultant at Genesys, shares his perspective on the rapidly changing workforce. You’ll learn about innovative tools that target what matters most: helping the people you serve. Join us to learn how to apply these best practices to your daily work.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
S1 Ep. 1 Little steps to a successful contact center integration
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Integrations don’t have to a heavy lift. By taking small steps, you can achieve a better customer experience through a more open platform. On today’s podcast, Jack Nichols, VP of Product Management for Genesys Cloud, shares the information you need to use an open platform to integrate your data, giving agents the tools they need—and customers the experience they deserve.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
About the Show: What is Tech Talks in 20?
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Tech Talks in 20 continues with a new season and two new hosts. This season, we’ll dive into the current state of customer experience (CX) technology and keep an eye on emerging trends.
Before joining the Genesys team, Ginger Conlon served as Chief Editor of several industry publications, covering technology trends in customer experience, marketing and sales. Today, as Thought Leadership Director at Genesys, she’s part of a team that creates research-driven content about customer experience, workforce engagement management and more.
Throughout his eight years as Senior Strategic Sales Consultant at Genesys, Michael Logan has worked with existing and potential customers to solve their CX center challenges. His deep firsthand knowledge of the role CX technology plays in driving contact center results is a perfect complement for Ginger’s focus on long-term trends.
Together, Ginger and Michael tackle a variety of topics, including how to improve workforce engagement, the impact of AI on the customer experience and the critical role empathy plays in the contact center.